Hasselblad workshop

Environment, test shoots

These are the results from my Hasselblad workshop I took part in. We were asked to set up a studio, using lighting techniques and power-packs. Using a light meter I balanced the amount of light being outputted to the background and foreground of the photo set up. this was challenging because it was difficult to get the right balance between the two elements. I learnt how to connect the computer to the camera using the Focus program. I learnt a lot from this workshop and am looking forward to working with the Hasselblad again as it is such a diverse camera.


Results from final shoot on Bronica

Environment, test shoots

These are the results from my Bronica final shoot. Overall I’m happy with some of the results, others however I am not so happy with. when I developed the film it came out very damaged, I tried my best using photoshop to correct the discolouration and dirt marks on the film. My favourite Images are; 003, 004, 008 and 009. These images are my  favourite because I think the colour has come out relatively accurate compared with the the other negatives. Overall I enjoyed shooting on film and would definitely use it again.

Bronica workshop

Environment, test shoots, visual practice

These are some of the outcomes from the Bronica workshop. I really enjoyed learning and working with the Bronica because, I don’t usually work with film and I found it interesting to learn about another aspect of photography. During my time spent with the Bronica I learnt a number of skills such as; how to load film, how to work with a light meter, how to develop and scan in the negatives. I would defiantly consider working with film again especially using the Bronica. I am going to have a go at using the Bronica in my finally shoot for this unit, however I am going to shoot on digital also just in case something goes wrong with the film.

The Model

Environment, research, test shoots

DSC_0012.jpgThis is the model I am going to use for my environment shoot. I have worked previously with Tamsin (the model). These are some examples of the outcome of a past project we have worked on together. Tamsin makes a good model because, she is very easy to talk to and has a good understanding of the persona I want for each shoot we do together. Tamsin has a very natural appearance so fits my requirements for the environment shoot I am planning to shoot for this project.

Responding to artist research

Environment, test shoots, Uncategorised


These images are in responded to the research piece I did on Sally Mann. I took inspiration from her by shooting close to home, these images where taken at my house and they are of my brother. Mann often photographs her family and very often uses her own house to create spaces to shoot in, I have done the same with these images. I am happy with the outcome of these images, I trued to capture the rawness and tone of Mann’s photographs. I took these on a Nikon D3200 but used photoshop to up the contrast and put them in black and white to really capture the essence of Sally Mann’s work.